Analyze HTTP Header

This tool will get the HTTP header of the specified url. Some elements of analysis of the header are given to facilitate the reading.

Details on the HTTP header fields you may find

Field Description Example
Access-Control-Allow-Origin Specifies which websites are able to access the ressources. If there is none, the server should return *. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Accept-Patch Gives the patch document formats accepted by the server. It implicitly indicates that PATCH is available on the Request-URI resource. Accept-Patch: text/example;charset=utf-8
Accept-Ranges Specifies the range requests accepted for a resource. Though the value is often bytes. none would indicate to the client not to try a range request. Accept-Ranges: bytes
Age Estimates the number of seconds since the answer was created by the server. The max value is 2147483648. Age: 8
Allow Defines a list of methods supported by the server. The client can try another but the server probably won't respond to it. Allow: PUT, HEAD, GET
Cache-Control Specifies often the duration a resource can be keep by the user agent without being requested again to the server. It is used to reduce the bandwith usage and loading time. Cache-Control: max-age=7200
Authorization Used by a user-agent to authenticate itself to the server. It contains the user agent's credentials related to the resource. It is often used after a 401 response. Authorization: Basic PAGFXUJC3GKM96Y8SGMUR4Y5GG==
Connection Specifies the options required for this connection. The close value informs the user agent that the connection will be closed after the request. Connection: close
Content-Encoding Informs the user agent which coding system has been used on the body content, and then which mechanism will restore the content accordingly to the Content-Type field. Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Language Specifies the language used in the entity-body. If there is none, the content is understoodable in any language. Multiple languages can be listed like en, fr. The field should be applied to all media and not only text documents. Content-Language: fr
Content-Length Indicates the size in octets of the entity-body. Content-Length: 5984
Content-Location It may be used to indicate the returned location if it is different from the URI requested. It can be absoluteURI or relativeURI Content-Location: /index.php
Content-MD5 Indicates the hash of the entity-body processed by the server. The content received is hashed too and compared to the value received to detect transfer issue. However it can't be used to prevent malicious attacks. Content-MD5: 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e==
Content-Range Indicates which part of the entity-body is in the packet. Due to the fact that the packet may not be received in the same order it has been sent, this information helps the user-agent to rebuild the server's answer in the right order. Content-Range: bytes 15862-19520/49022
Content-Type Indicates the media type of the entity-body Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date Date and time the message has been sent. Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2015 11:18:56 GMT
ETag Specifies the entity tag of the requested resource. It can be used to compare different resources. ETag: "ad0234829205b9033196ba818f7a872b"
Expires Specifies the date and time when the data received can be considered as obsolete. After this time the user agent will requested again the data (which may haven't changed in the meantime). Expires: Mon, 06 Apr 2015 11:18:56 GMT
Last-Modified Indicates when the server thinks the content has been modified the last time. Last-Modified: Mon, 06 Apr 2015 11:18:56 GMT
Location The server indicates the user-agent to which location the user-agent should move based on the Request-URI sent. For maintenance purposes, the 3xx redirections should be used instead of Location Location:
P3P Gives the possibility to the website to indicate their intention towards the use of users' personal information. P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
Pragma Specifies specific directives like no-cache for which the user agent should request the content even if it is in cache. Pragma: no-cache
Proxy-Authenticate Is part of the 407 Proxy Authentication Required response. It is a challenge containing the authentication scheme and parameters needed for the Request-URI. Proxy-Authenticate: Basic
Retry-After Indicates for how long the resource will still be unavailable. It can be a date or a delay in seconds. Retry-After: 180
Server Details the server software version which processes the request. Server: Apache/2.4.1 (Unix)
Trailer Indicates that the header information are in a trailer message encoded using a chunked transfer-coding Trailer: Max-Forwards
Transfer-Encoding Indicates which transformation have been applied to the message (not the entity) to have a safer transfer. Transfer-Encoding: chunked

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