Check if gzip or deflate compression is used on a URL

This SEO tool checks if gzip or deflate is enabled on an URL. It also shows details about the type of compression used.
It allows you to check which type of compression is used but also to compare it with the other, and see which one is more effective in that case.

Is compression used ? --

Which compression is used ? --


Compressed size-- bytes / octets
Uncompressed size-- bytes / octets
Percentage of compression-- %


Compressed size-- bytes / octets
Uncompressed size-- bytes / octets
Percentage of compression-- %

Which compression is the best between GZIP and Deflate in this case ? --

Source code of the page

It is possible that the result is empty or there is very little information if the requested page is a redirection. In that case the url specified should be the one to which it redirects.

Why use GZIP or Deflate ?

GZIP and Delfate are both algorithms which compress content. These are often used in the web to compress downloaded content. It has for effect to reduce the bandwith used and then speed up the loading on the browser interface.
Of course, the browser and processor still have to uncompressed the content. But it is faster to compress and uncompress the content than download it uncompressed.

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