Generate file .HTACCESS

This tool will help you to configure and generate a htaccess file for your server. It can improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). There are a lot of parameters you may forgot about.

Domain redirection

Follow Symbolic Links

Htaccess file visiblity

It is possible to prevent the htaccess from being visible.

Redirect the entire domain

It is possible to redirect an entire website to a new domain.

Error Document

This section is about managing documents which can't be found or which have been moved, etc...

Redirections - Files

It is possible to redirect a link from an URL to another. Only the source and destination links are required.

Redirections - Folders

An entire folder can be redirected to another by specifing the source and destination folders.

URL rewriting

This section is about transforming the url used to access your documents. It is an important parameter to have a cleared structure hierarchy of your document by using fictive folders. The names can be customized to avoid GET variable which are not always indexed by search engines like Google for example. The source and destination can be pattern and not only rewriting from one single document to another single document.
You should put the most restrictive rules first because with add [L] which means that as soon as it finds a match it stops.


This section is about caching content in the browser. It will reduce the usage of the bandwidth of the server and time to load a page. It is often used for css, javascript and images shared between pages.


In order to reduce the loading of page and components for the browser and the bandwidth of your server it is possible to use compression. You have to make sure that the module Deflate is installed activated on the server first.

Block IP addresses

Here it is possible to list the IP addresses to which you don't want to give access to your website.

Once done generated the content you just have to be copy/paste the result in a document named .htaccess . It doesn't actually have a filename, it is only an extension. Depending on your server structure, it should probably be uploaded at the root of the www.

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